Board Members & Staff

Board of Directors

Jeff Boll - President

Jeff Boll-  Jeff joined the 6:8 Board in April of 2018.  He began volunteering at 6:8 in October 2014 when he was introduced to the Meal Pack event shortly after moving back to his hometown of Sauk Prairie in August 2014.  Jeff works as an investment adviser and insurance agent of Schwarz Insurance.  He’s most excited about continuing to improve 6:8, while readying the community for the new Circles program starting in late 2019.   

Gayle Westfahl - Vice President

Jodi Anderson - Secretary

Jodi joined the board in April of 2022. Jodi began volunteering at 6:8 just after she moved to Sauk Prairie. She started doing work-from-home projects while she was home with her two small children and as they grew, she became more involved in on-site projects. Jodi was part of the planning team to help bring Circles to 6:8, and helps facilitate Ally Training for the program. Jodi believes strongly in relationships and connection to promote and grow a strong community and feels 6:8 is the hub for exactly that in Sauk Prairie, and loves 6:8 even more each time she walks through the doors. In her downtime, Jodi loves to spend time (outdoors whenever possible) with her family, husband (Kirk) and their two kids. She is a software consultant, a massage therapist and homeschools her children part time. She does all things in her life for the Glory of God.  

Isaac Homar - Treasurer

Isaac joined the board in April of 2022. He grew up in Sauk Prairie and throughout high school spent time volunteering with the community meals, community garden, Circles program, and various other 6:8 events. He gradually became more and more involved and dedicated to 6:8’s vision of community improvement through love and empowerment. Now, Isaac is studying at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with the vision to bring things he learns there—both in and out of the classroom—back to his community. 

Luci Breunig - Board Member

Being on 6:8 web site should say it all!  Luci Breunig joined the Board in April of 2018. Sauk Prairie community has been my home for all of 54 years.  The opportunity within this organization for me to personally grow, in unison with sharing my passion & energy to look for the best in every individual.  My day always begins with " What am I going to eat, when am I going to work out, & WHOSE DAY AM I GOING TO MAKE!" Running a business I have a high appreciation for the efficiency with how 6:8 manages the many facets of its vision. Being part of a team that truly makes a difference is one of my blessings. My husband Jerry and my two teenage boys keep busy which gives me time to keep my self busy. 

Rachel Geiselman - Board Member

Greg and Rachel joined the 6:8 board in 2020.  They were introduced to 6:8 through their son's involvement with summer mission trips.  Rachel then became a facilitator in the 'Circles' program.  Together, they're beliefs in reducing poverty and promoting social justice align with 6:8's mission.  Greg and Rachel met while serving in the United States Air Force. They feel blessed having been married for over 30 years and with two wonderful kids.  They enjoy sharing time with friends and family in various outdoor activities. 

Tim Homar - Board Member

Caitlyn Jones - Board Member

Allison Phillipp - Board Member

Ben Sanders - Board Member

Ben joined the Board in 2023. He was introduced to 6:8 while serving at Camp Gray, a local non-profit. He connected with 6:8’s vision of transformational housing and is excited to help create a new housing model.

He graduated from UW-Madison with degrees in Finance and Commercial Real Estate and currently works in Milwaukee for a national commercial real estate lender.

Outside of work you will likely find him in the woods or on Lake Wisconsin slalom skiing with Bud.

Staff & Team Leaders

John & Sarah Ramthun - Executive Directors

John grew up on a farm just outside of West Bend, WI, with his parents and 5 siblings.  The family of 8 has now grown to 32 including in-laws and nieces & nephews with 2 siblings still working on the farm where we enjoy helping as often as we can!  Sarah grew up in her family of 5 on the south side of Milwaukee and went to school K-12 downtown (MPS).  The family, now of 17, loves to spend time together, especially at the family cottage in Door County.  We are SO blessed to have such amazing families!  From an early age our families were involved in our local Churches and faith has been an important part of our lives.  We went to college at UW-Madison, John majoring in Biochemistry and Sarah as pre-med.  St. Paul’s was a significant part of our undergrad experience.  As God worked in our lives we switched our majors to Religious Studies, became friends, and graduated in 2004.  2004 also included beginning as the Directors of Religious Education and Youth Ministry at St. Aloysius in Sauk City, getting married, and moving to Sauk Prairie.  St. Al’s brought us many wonderful memories, including leading our first Mission Trips, and numerous friendships over 6 years. In 2010, God called us to a new ministry to serve our community.  6:8 aims to transform communities by making service personal prioritizing: Relationship, Education, Reciprocity, & Quality of Service, hoping to embody Christ in the way we live.  We have been blessed with three amazing sons, Caleb, Samuel, & Josiah. As a family we love to learn about and be active in nature and enjoy the many gifts God has included in the natural world around us. We desire to live more simply to enjoy the complexity of Creation!  Our plan is to give all we have to the people we are serving with and for so that our community can be transformed! We would love to have you join us! 

Carole Ensminger - Office Manager

Carole Ensminger started volunteering weekly for 6:8 in 2011.  As she prepared Mission Trip Folders, entered Silver Cord hours, and helped 6:8 prepare for Food Backpack deliveries, she fell in love with the Mission of 6:8.  She joined the Board of Directors in April 2012, and began working for 6:8 as an Administrative Assistant in November 2014.  She has also joined the Sauk Prairie Against Hunger Core Team and will be overseeing scheduling at the New 6:8 Building.  Each year the 6:8 Board has increased her hours and she is now working as the Office Manager and Volunteer Coordinator in addition to her other tasks.  Carole is instrumental in helping 6:8 transition to a new physical space and increase in capacity of service. 

Joyce Scheopp - Circles Coach & Ally Support

Joyce Schoepp started volunteering for 6:8 in 2010.  She has been on the Sauk Prairie Against Hunger Core Team from it’s beginning in 2012, has been an Adult Small Group Leader on Middle School and High School Mission Trips with 6:8, and has volunteered as a Team Leader of 6:8’s  Mentorship Program.  Joyce believes in focusing on one person at a time and likes to form relationships with those who come to the 6:8 Meals and Programs.  She is leading us in forming relationships and transforming lives.  She is part of the Circles Sauk Prairie planning team. 

Marilyn McFarlane - Circles Coach

Like so many in the Sauk Prairie community, Marilyn McFarlane involved herself in volunteer opportunities when 6:8 organized the Fire on the River, pounding in fence posts, hosting children’s games and serving burgers until midnight. 6:8’s move into the new building provided daytime volunteer opportunities like organizing the abundance of toys donated to the childcare room. Her lifetime of relational experiences has prepared her to serve with Circles, a new program to reduce the poverty level in Sauk Prairie. Marilyn enjoys the positive team experience of equipping and encouragement among the members. She is admonished to “…be concerned about the interest of others.” (Philippians 2:4) 

Marilyn and her husband, Dick, have 4 grown children and 9 grandchildren all located in the Midwest making Oma and Papa visits possible. Marilyn and Dick enjoy tandem biking for exercise and for an alternative to marriage counseling because Dick, as pilot, has had to improve his communication skills and Marilyn, as stoker, has had to grow in trust.

Rebecca Bakk - Program Coordinator

Rebecca began volunteering with 6:8 in 2015.  Over the years she has helped sporadically with learning for life classes, child care, and participated in the Sauk Prairie Against Hunger pack event.  She joined the staff in April 2022 as a program coordinator, where she focuses on volunteer and donor enrichment, coordinating the Circles Children's program, and researching if there is a need for a pregnancy/parenting/family resource ministry in our area.   

Amy Basken - Director of Programs

Amy joined the 6:8 staff in 2024 as Director of Programs to assist with expanding the Circles and Sycamore programming. She has 20 years of experience in non-profit growth and development and is so honored to be doing God’s work and contributing to the incredible 6:8 team. When she’s not in the office, you can find Amy chasing down her adult children, knitting, hiking, or singing to herself. 

Lana Satterlee-Ballweg - Community Meal Coordinator

Lana began her relationship with 6:8 in January 2018 scrubbing stoves and has been using them since as the Community Meal Coordinator.  She is a retired director of operations with 34 ½ years in the health insurance industry. Lana and her husband, Mark, have 2 grown children and come from big families. Lana finds her family and career experience coupled with her love for cooking, gardening, canning and organizing a great fit for this 6:8 opportunity. With 6:8’s ability to bring the community together to service others, Lana is glad to do her part. What better way to bring people together then to gather around a table to share a meal! 

Bill Reay - Men's Community Coordinator