About Us
6:8 is Changing the Narrative about Poverty
Our Vision:
People fully alive – Passionately Embracing & Sharing their Blessings
Our Mission:
Transforming Communities by Making Service Personal.
6:8's Ministry Summary:
6:8 is Working to End Poverty by Inspiring and Equipping Families and our Community to Resolve Poverty and Thrive. We believe no one should live in poverty and if given the right tools and support, financial stability can be achieved. Our service Prioritizes; Relationships, Education, Reciprocity, & Quality.
6:8's 10 Year Goal:
6:8's Circles Sauk Prairie will reduce the Poverty Rate in the Sauk Prairie School District by 10% in 10 years by EMPOWERING Circle Leaders (individuals and families living in poverty) using 20 years of research and proven methods to teach skills and surround Leaders with support and social capital so THEY lead themselves permanently out of poverty. This initiative involves Leaders, Volunteer, and the community working together to END POVERTY through a weekly gathering of accountability and support. This 10% Reduction of Poverty will have a huge economic impact on our community. Will you join us?
Who Are We ?
6:8 is a Christian organization, inspired by the Life and Love of Jesus Christ. 6:8 believes it is most important to invest in people. We prioritize relationships and believe this is the starting point for service, for charity, for transformation. 6:8 seeks to Transform Communities with Jesus Christ by Making Service Personal and helping individuals discover and share their gifts with our Community. We welcome and serve all people regardless of their religious beliefs.
“What we do is not nearly as
important as who we are - and
how much we give is not nearly
as important as how much love
is in the giving.”
6:8 has a strong commitment to working with people who are living in poverty – financial poverty, relational poverty, poverty of health (physical/mental/emotional), spiritual poverty, poverty of empathy, and more. We work with individuals to not only address their immediate needs, but also give them encouragement and accountability to help themselves for the long-term - with a hand-up not a hand-out.
6:8 believes if we care enough to walk alongside someone in need, invest in their life, and build their capacity rather than just say “Here’s what you need to get you by for the next week – come back again,” then dependency is decreased, and lives will be transformed. We say, “I want you not to be lonely, hungry, sick, or resentful, but I also want you to know that you can make a difference in your life.” We expect more, not less, of each other to honor the dignity found in each of us.
We do not strive for total independence where we all work on our own and consume more, rather for interdependence of our entire Community to love and support each other as we journey together.
6:8 envisions a Community where People are Fully Alive - Passionately Embracing and Sharing their Blessings.
Our Priorities
#1: Relationships - The person is more important than the program.
#2: Education - Our service is paired with education so that all involved are expanding their capacity and capabilities.
#3: Reciprocity - Each person giving and receiving.
#4: High Quality Service - Providing Frist Class Services of Healthy and Delicious Calories, Quality Education, Abundant Produce, Dignifying Work, and more.
The 6:8 Scripture that inspire us:
Micah 6:8
"What does the LORD require of you? To do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God."
Mark 6:8
"Jesus instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick - no food, no sack, no money in their belts."
Isaiah 6:8
"Then I heard the voice of the LORD saying, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” “Here I am;” I said, “send me!”
1 Timothy 6:8
"If we have food and clothing, we shall be content with that."
Vision Statement - What would it look like if we were successful?
People fully alive – passionately embracing and sharing their blessings
Acts 2:37, 42-47
"Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and they asked Peter and the other apostles, "What are we to do, my brothers?" ... They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers. Awe came upon everyone, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all according to each one's need. Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple area and to breaking bread in their homes. They ate their meals with exultation and sincerity of heart, praising God and enjoying favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved."
People would volunteer their time, talent, and money
Our community would think less of ourselves and more about others
People would have experiences of service to reflect on
Individuals would think less of themselves and more about others
More people would be aware of ways they are blessed and how they can share that blessing with others
People would be less attached to physical possessions
People would be alive and passionate in their work because they would be working out of their God given gifts/blessings
Less people would be living in poverty
People would be donating more to others and spending less of their income on themselves.
Our Statement of Faith
6:8 is a Christian organization, inspired by the Life and Love of Jesus Christ. 6:8 believes it is most important to invest in people. We prioritize relationships and believe this is the starting point for service, for charity, for transformation. 6:8 seeks to Transform Communities with Jesus Christ by Making Service Personal and helping individuals discover and share their gifts with our Community. We welcome and serve all people regardless of their religious beliefs.