6:8 Circles
SOUPer Bowl
6:8 Circles
SOUPer Bowl
All proceeds benefit Circles Sauk Prairie - Reducing poverty in Sauk Prairie by 10% in 10 years
Go home with a unique bowl handcrafted by the Sauk Prairie High School Art Department.
Enjoy Homemade Soup by local celebrity chefs!
Our Mission
Our Mission
Transforming communities by making service personal.
Transforming communities by making service personal.
Our Vision
Our Vision
People fully alive - passionately embracing and sharing their blessings.
People fully alive - passionately embracing and sharing their blessings.
6:8 is Working to End Poverty by Inspiring and Equipping Families and our Community to Resolve Poverty and Thrive. We believe no one should live in poverty and if given the right tools and support, financial stability can be achieved. Our service Prioritizes; Relationships, Education, Reciprocity, & Quality.
6:8 is Working to End Poverty by Inspiring and Equipping Families and our Community to Resolve Poverty and Thrive. We believe no one should live in poverty and if given the right tools and support, financial stability can be achieved. Our service Prioritizes; Relationships, Education, Reciprocity, & Quality.
What we do is not nearly as important as who we are -
and how much we give is not nearly as important
as how much love is in the giving.
Stay Connected
Stay Connected
Click the link above to see our upcoming calendar of events.